Our Services

Newbridge Family Resource Centre aims to provide a wide variety of quality services within family support, community development and childcare. Please browse below to see what we offer to the communities we serve.

Family Support


Preparing for Life

Preparing for Life is a home visiting programme that supports families from pregnancy. The programme is a wonderful way to support you as a parent in your journey through parenthood. The home visitor will meet with you and discuss all things parenting.

This programme gives helpful tip sheets that provide information on nutrition, toilet training, social and emotional well-being, and parental supports. This programme is available to families living in the Newbridge and Curragh areas.

Contact: Kate Ryan
086 461 1333 || Kate@newbridgefrc.ie


Parent & Toddler Group

Parent, Baby and Toddler Groups can provide a stepping stone for children preparing to go to a playgroup. These groups provide children with a relaxed, friendly environment in which they are able to play independently with other children, while still having the security of their parents close by. This can be a great help in building a child’s confidence. The group offers a variety of activities such as play dough, painting and water play for the children, as well as Pediatric First Aid, Parenting Classes, plus other courses as the need arises. Towards the end of the year, in June, and during the Christmas months, we also frequently bring the children on trips to various locations.

The Parent & Toddler group takes place every Monday from 9:00am - 11:00am

Please contact Suzanne on 045-438173

Community Development


Homework Club

The Homework Club runs on Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:30pm, for children from third, fourth, fifth and sixth class.

The club offers a safe, friendly and supportive environment for young people to develop a positive attitude towards learning and homework, as well as having fun!

Please contact Mary : 087 298 8818

Youth Club

Our Youth Club runs Thursdays from 5.00pm - 7.00pm.

The club caters for young people in the Newbridge area.

To join the youth club please contact Mary on 045 438173 or email admin@newbridgefrc.ie


Women’s Group

The Women’s Group first met at the beginning of 2012,and have been going strong ever since !

Throughout the years the group has participated in personal development, meditation, stress relief courses, learning to live a healthy life, pottery and are learning to sew and crochet. Over their time together the group has formed a strong bond and the personal development course has cemented this bond.

The Women’s Group was formed to allow women a space to meet new friends, learn new skills and to get support from each other or staff in the centre when needed.

To join the womens group contact Gráinne:

087 298 8818

The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners group is a social group for women between the ages of 55-65 years old. They gather together Tuesdays from 7pm – 9pm in the centre. They explore arts crafts, educational and social opportunities and have been together for quite some time.

Please call Glen on 087 988 8655 to register


The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls are a group of retired women who meet every Wednesday morning from 10.00am - 12.00pm.

The group formed fifteen years ago, and is well established and very well attended. The women take part in a variety of activities throughout the year including art, pottery, knitting crochet and chair exercises.

The group was formed to ensure there is a place where older women can meet up for support and to prevent social isolation within our community.

Please contact Mary: 045 438173

Mens Group

The Mens Group runs from 12:00pm – 1:30pm each Friday and is open to all men who wish to get involved in tasks chosen by the group.

Whether it be construction of their projects, travelling to different points of interest around Ireland, or even just to hang out together, these men have formed a camaraderie and a bond in the group.

The Mens Group help out with the maintenance of the sensory garden and support repair works in the centre.

To join the mens group please contact Claire:

045 438173

Singing for


One of our most popular groups!

Singing for Well-being takes place every Tuesday from 10:00am – 12:00pm. It involves singing together as a group and chatting while having tea and getting to grow closer as a community as a result.

Please call Glen on 087 988 8655 to register for this group, as we have a large amount of members at the moment.


The Newbridge Family Resource Centre hosts the Horticulture Group on behalf of Kildare West Wicklow Educational Training Board (KWETB).

Please contact KWETB for further information.

The Sensory Garden

Our Sensory Garden is all about stimulating and engaging the five basic senses and was built specifically with our community in mind.

If you need a calming, quiet place to relax, our garden is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm every weekday.

You don’t need to ask - Just pop in!

Adult literacy
for life

In Ireland, more than 500,000 people have unmet literacy needs. Even more have unmet numeracy and digital literacy needs. This means some adults may be unable to fill in a form, vote, read instructions on medicines, add up a bill, or search the web for information.

Digital Health Kildare is a health literacy project funded by the ALL Collaboration and Innovation Fund. Digital Health Kildare aims to improve the health literacy and digital skills of adults in Ireland so they can understand and navigate the health system and make informed decisions about their own health.

Explore more projects from the ALL Collaboration and Innovation Fund at adultliteracyforlife.ie

Supporting Digital Health in Kildare through the ALL Collaboration and Innovation Fund - YouTube Link

Music Generation Music Hub

Newbridge Family Resource Centre host the Music Generation Music Hub.

Children learn to play drums and guitar

Wednesday 4.00pm - 6.45pm - PUBLIC

Thursday 5:30pm - 7:45pm - St. Mark’s School, Newbridge

For more information, please contact reception at 045 438 173



We offer a quality, confidential and affordable counselling service to people living in the Newbridge area. It is not necessary to be referred by a medical practitioner, but your GP may recommend the service to you.

Please contact us to inquire about the counselling services we provide on 045 438173 or on admin@newbridgefrc.ie

Play Therapy

Play Therapy uses a variety of play and creative arts techniques (the 'Play Therapy Tool-Kit') , to alleviate chronic, mild and moderate psychological and emotional conditions in children that are causing behavioural problems and/or are preventing children from realising their potential.

Please contact us to inquire about the Play Therapy services we provide on 045 438173 or on admin@newbridgefrc.ie


From time to time the Newbridge Family Resource Centre hosts clinics in house, these include:

Housing Clinic’s, Domestic Violence Support Clinic (Outreach Support) and various others throughout the year.

These clinics are shared on our Facebook page.